Maintaining Your Tennis Racquet: A Guide to Peak Performance

Your tennis racquet is more than just a piece of equipment, it’s an extension of your arm that is essential to your game. To ensure it performs at its best and supports your gameplay, regular maintenance is essential. In this blog we’re going to discuss why you should keep your racquet in top shape.

Why Maintain Your Racquet?

Performance Enhancement: A well-maintained racquet optimises your performance on the court. Proper string tension, grip, and frame condition can impact power, control, and manoeuvrability.

Durability: Regular care extends the lifespan of your racquet. It prevents avoidable wear and tear, reducing the frequency of needing replacements.

Consistency: Consistent racquet maintenance helps maintain your playing style. Changes in string tension or grip can affect your game, and maintaining these factors keeps your gameplay consistent.

Tips for Racquet Maintenance

String Care: Replace strings periodically, as they lose tension and resilience over time. Avoid over-tensioning, which can damage the racquet frame. Store racquets in a temperature-controlled environment to prevent string tension fluctuations.

Grip Replacement: Over time, grips wear down, affecting your hold on the racquet. Replace grips when they become smooth or lose their tackiness for better control and comfort.

Frame Inspection: Regularly inspect the racquet frame for cracks, dents, or fractures. Even minor damages can escalate and impact performance. If you notice damage, consult a professional for repair or replacement.

Cleaning: Remove dirt, sweat, and debris from the racquet after each game or practice session. Use a damp cloth to wipe the frame and strings gently. Avoid using harsh chemicals that may damage the racquet’s material.

Storage: Store racquets in protective covers or cases when not in use. Keep them away from extreme temperatures or direct sunlight, as these can weaken the frame or affect the strings’ tension.

Professional Maintenance: Periodically, seek professional racquet servicing. Professionals can restring, regrip, and assess the overall condition of your racquet for optimal performance.

At Meehan Tennis Academy, we understand the significance of a well-maintained racquet in elevating your game. Our coaches offer guidance on racquet care, ensuring that your equipment supports your progress on the court. Join us to learn not only tennis skills, but also the importance of racquet maintenance for a consistent and enhanced playing experience.

The Game of Errors in Tennis: How to Dodge Common Mistakes

Tennis, a sport of finesse and strategy, demands precision and skill. Yet it’s common to stumble upon errors that can cost you crucial points in a match. 

Let’s explore some typical mistakes encountered on the court and ways to evade them, enhancing your game performance.

Unforced Errors

These are errors that occur due to your own mistakes, without significant pressure from your opponent. Common unforced errors include hitting the ball into the net or out of bounds. To mitigate these, focus on maintaining consistency in your strokes during practice sessions, emphasising control and accuracy.

Double Faults

Serving a double fault can hand your opponent easy points. Concentrate on your service technique, ensuring a consistent toss and proper ball placement. Practise your serves regularly to build confidence and consistency, decreasing the likelihood of double faults.

Lack of Footwork

Poor footwork can lead to mistimed shots or an inability to reach the ball. Work on your footwork drills to enhance agility and speed on the court. Developing swift movements will help you reach and hit the ball effectively, increasing your court coverage.


Sometimes, the temptation to hit a powerful shot can lead to overhitting, resulting in the ball going out or into the net. Focus on control and precision rather than sheer force. Practise different shot techniques to find the right balance between power and accuracy.

Mental Errors

Mental lapses such as losing focus or getting frustrated can hinder your performance. Stay composed and focused during the game. Practise mindfulness and breathing exercises to maintain a calm and composed mindset, enabling you to make better decisions under pressure.

Poor Shot Selection

Making the wrong shot choices at crucial moments can cost you points. Work on your shot variety and decision-making abilities. Learn when to play offensive or defensive shots based on the game situation.

Remember, overcoming these errors takes consistent practice, patience, and a positive mindset. By identifying and rectifying these mistakes, you can elevate your game and become a more formidable player on the court. Practise diligently, seek guidance from coaches, and most importantly, enjoy the game!

At Meehan Tennis Academy, we focus on improving our players’ skills, helping them dodge common errors and excel on the court. Join us to enhance your game and reach new heights in tennis!

Surviving the Sizzle: Tips to Beat the Heat on the Tennis Court

When the sun is blazing and the temperatures are soaring, playing tennis under the scorching heat can be challenging. However, with the right strategies and precautions, you can conquer the heat and keep your cool on the court. 

Since we want to see you succeed on the court no matter the temperature, we’re here to tell you how to do just that.

Hydration is Key

Stay hydrated before, during, and after your tennis session. Start by drinking plenty of water before hitting the court, and carry a water bottle to sip on throughout your game. 

Dress for Success

Wear lightweight  and breathable clothing that allows air circulation and sweat evaporation. Wear light-coloured outfits to reflect sunlight and hats or caps and UV protective sunglasses to shield your face and eyes from the sun.

Seek Shade During Breaks

Between games or sets, seek shade to cool down. Find a covered area, like under an umbrella or near a shaded bench, to rest, lower your body temperature and avoid heat related illnesses such as heatstroke.

Apply Sunscreen

Protect your skin by applying sunscreen with a high SPF at least 30 minutes before heading out. Reapply sunscreen every two hours and after heavy sweating. Don’t forget vulnerable areas like your ears, neck, and the back of your knees.

Use Cooling Accessories

Cooling towels, neck wraps, or ice packs wrapped in towels can provide instant relief during breaks. Placing a wet towel on your neck or forehead helps regulate body temperature. You can also use cooling vests or arm sleeves to stay cool.

Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke, such as dizziness, nausea, rapid heartbeat, or excessive sweating. If you experience any of these symptoms, take a break, find shade, and hydrate immediately. 

Playing tennis in hot weather can be challenging, but with these strategies, you can mitigate the effects of heat and stay safe on the court. Remember, your health and well-being should always be a priority. Embrace these tips to beat the heat and continue enjoying your favourite sport even during the hottest days of the year!

At Meehan Tennis Academy, our coaching team emphasises the importance of staying safe and healthy while playing tennis. Ask us for expert guidance on playing tennis in hot weather conditions and let us help you maximise your performance while staying cool.

Ace Your Style: Finding Your Ideal Tennis Outfit

In the middle of a match your on-court attire goes a long way in terms of comfort, and performance. Finding the perfect tennis outfit isn’t just about fashion, it’s about functionality, allowing you to move freely and play your best. 

Let’s dive into how to discover your ideal tennis apparel!

Prioritise Comfort and Functionality

When it comes to choosing tennis clothing, comfort is king. Opt for breathable fabrics that keep you cool and dry, especially during long matches or intense practice sessions. Look for materials like polyester, spandex, or moisture-managing fabrics that offer flexibility and allow your skin to breathe.

Consider the Fit

The right fit is crucial for optimal performance. Avoid clothing that’s too tight, restricting your movement, or too loose, hindering your agility. A well-fitted outfit ensures freedom of movement for your strokes while maintaining a sleek appearance. Ensure your top, shorts/skirt, and shoes allow comfortable movement and don’t restrict your swing.

Selecting Tops

For tops, choose between t-shirts, polos, or tanks based on personal preference and comfort. Sleeveless options might offer more freedom for arm movement. Look for tops with UV protection to shield your skin from harmful sun exposure during outdoor matches.

Choosing Bottoms

Comfortable shorts, skorts, or tennis-specific skirts are great choices for bottom wear. Ensure they provide enough room for movement without riding up or restricting your legs. Opt for fabrics that offer breathability and flexibility.

Which Shoes?

Tennis shoes are a pivotal part of your outfit. Invest in high-quality, well-fitted tennis shoes that offer support, stability, and traction on the court. Comfort and durability are key, ensuring your shoes can handle lateral movement, abrupt stops, and quick sprints without causing discomfort or injuries.

Accessories Matter

Accessories like hats, visors, wristbands, and sunglasses aren’t just for style, they offer practical benefits on the court. They shield your eyes from the sun and manage sweat during play.

Your tennis outfit isn’t just clothing, it’s your gear for success on the court. Comfort, functionality, fit, and style all play vital roles in crafting the perfect ensemble. Finding your preferred tennis attire can elevate your game, boost confidence, and make every match an enjoyable experience.

At Meehan Tennis Academy, we understand the significance of a perfect tennis outfit. Our coaching team can guide you not only in perfecting your game but also in selecting the ideal tennis apparel. Reach out to us for expert advice on gear and let us help you ace your style on the court!

Singles vs. Doubles Tennis: Finding Your Ideal Game

Tennis is a fast paced game that captivates players and spectators alike with its blend of skill, strategy, and athleticism. 

However, one of the key decisions every tennis enthusiast faces is whether to play singles or doubles. Both formats have distinct qualities and challenges, so let’s dive into what sets them apart and which is the best for you.

Singles Tennis: The Battle of Individual Skill

Singles tennis is a one-on-one battle where players rely entirely on their skills, speed, and endurance. It’s often considered a more physically demanding format as it involves covering the entire court and taking full responsibility for every shot.

But is it the right game for you? Here are the advantages and challenges of taking the court solo.


Independence: Singles tennis allows players to have full control over the game as every point and shot is solely their responsibility. This focus on individual play allows players to develop personal strategies and tactics to outsmart and outplay their opponents.

Fitness and Conditioning: The nature of singles tennis requires great physical fitness and endurance making it an excellent workout for building stamina and speed in players.


Court Coverage: Covering the entire court solo can be physically demanding and requires quick footwork and agility that not all players may have mastered.

Mental Pressure: Being solely responsible for the outcome of the match can be mentally challenging for just one person, making it even harder to stay composed under pressure.

Doubles Tennis: The Art of Team Play

Doubles tennis involves teams of two players on each side, requiring collaboration, coordination, and communication. 

It’s a game where players need to work together, combining individual skills to strategise and outplay the opponents. But do you have what it takes to work on a team in such a fast paced game? Here are the advantages and challenges to working as a team on the court.


Teamwork: Doubles tennis fosters camaraderie and teamwork. It allows for quick exchanges, split-second decision-making, and covering each other’s weaknesses.

Court Management: With only half the court to cover, doubles tennis often results in shorter rallies, making it easier on stamina.

Strategic Variety: Doubles games offer various strategies, including net play, angles, and teamwork tactics, which can be both challenging and rewarding.


Communication: Effective communication between partners is essential but can be challenging to maintain during fast-paced rallies.

Coordination: Players need to synchronise their movements, positioning, and shot choices to avoid confusion and maximise efficiency.

Which is Right for You?

Deciding between singles and doubles tennis boils down to individual preferences and playing style. Some players thrive in the independence of singles, relishing the chance to command the court alone. Others enjoy the collaborative nature of doubles, finding satisfaction in the strategic teamwork aspect of the game.

It’s worth trying both formats to discover which resonates best with your skills, temperament, and preferences. Some players might excel at both, drawing on different strengths in each format.

Ultimately, whether you prefer the individual challenge of singles or the dynamic teamwork of doubles, the beauty of tennis lies in its versatility and the joy it brings regardless of the format you choose.

At Meehan Tennis Academy, we offer comprehensive coaching in both singles and doubles formats. Our expert coaches are here to help you discover and develop your game, whether you’re aiming to conquer the court alone or with a partner by your side.

Mind Over Matter: The Psychology of Tennis Technique

While you can often stay focused on specific physical tennis skills and techniques, the psychological side beyond the physical prowess of the court can often be overlooked. So, we’ve assembled a blog about the mental aspects that can refine your game. Being able to maintain focus and concentration under the pressure of the game benefits your overall form.

The Mental Game

1. Visualisation:

Before the first serve is even tossed, the mental game begins. Visualisation is a potent tool in tennis psychology. Picture yourself executing flawless strokes and moving effortlessly around the court. This pre-play mental rehearsal sets the stage for your body to follow suit.

2. Mindful Focus:

In the heat of a match, maintaining focus is the linchpin of technique mastery. Each point requires a deliberate, mindful approach. Zone in on the ball, the court, and your opponent’s movements. By keeping your mind in the present moment, you enhance your ability to execute your techniques with precision.

Concentration Amidst Chaos

1. Point-by-Point Mentality:

Tennis is a game of momentum, and the ability to concentrate point by point is crucial. Instead of dwelling on previous errors or anticipating future challenges, adopt a point-by-point mentality. This mental discipline ensures that your focus remains sharp, and your technique remains consistent, regardless of the score.

2. Breathing Techniques:

Controlled breathing isn’t just for yoga; it’s a game-changer on the tennis court. When the pressure mounts, focus on deep, rhythmic breaths. This not only calms the mind but also prevents tension from sabotaging your technique. Stay present with each exhale and inhale, allowing your body to move with fluidity.

Maintaining Form Under Pressure

1. Confidence Building:

Believing in your abilities is the cornerstone of maintaining proper form under pressure. Cultivate a positive mindset, celebrating your successes and learning from your challenges. Confidence fuels consistency in technique, even in the most intense moments of a match. 

2. Routine Reinforcement:

Establishing pre-shot routines serves as an anchor in the storm of competition. These rituals, whether bouncing the ball a specific number of times or adjusting your grip, create a mental sanctuary. Reinforcing these routines under pressure keeps your mind in a familiar and controlled state, promoting optimal technique execution.

The mind has a profound impact on your game during tennis. Embrace the mental game by looking towards your focus, concentration, and maintaining proper form under pressure, allowing them to become second nature.

Our programs at Meehan Tennis Academy adopt strategies and teach the mind’s influence. Join us today and transform each stroke into a masterpiece of mental fortitude and physical finesse!

Tactical Approaches to Doubles Play: Communication and Coordination

Doubles tennis is a dynamic and exhilarating form of the sport, and it requires more than individual skill; it demands a seamless flow of communication and coordination between partners. This blog will be doubles-focused, so we’re going to look at the tactical approaches that elevate doubles play. Read on to learn more about the pivotal role of communication, positioning, and effective teamwork on the court.

Communication: The Silent Language of Success

1. Signals and Signs:

Communication on the doubles court often transcends verbal exchanges. Players develop a silent language through signals and signs that convey strategies, intentions, and on-the-fly adjustments. Whether it’s a nod, a gesture, or a pre-arranged code, effective communication ensures partners are in sync without giving away tactics to opponents.

2. Verbal Coordination:

Clear and concise verbal communication is equally crucial. From calling shots to coordinating movement, players need to communicate swiftly and efficiently. Effective communication minimises confusion, reduces unforced errors, and ensures that both players are on the same page throughout the match.

Positioning: The Chessboard of Doubles Play

1. Net Player Dynamics:

In doubles, the net player is a pivotal force. Coordinated movements between partners at the net involve strategic positioning. Players must cover the middle and poach when the opportunity arises. Consistent communication about who takes the middle and who covers the alleys helps maintain an impenetrable net presence.

2. The Art of Poaching:

Strategic poaching disrupts the rhythm of opponents. The server’s partner, the net player, can poach by intercepting the return, putting pressure on the opposing team. Poaching requires precise timing and understanding between partners, making it a powerful weapon in the doubles arsenal. 

Effective Teamwork: Uniting Forces for Victory

1. Covering the Baseline:

While one player is at the net, the other covers the baseline. The baseline player acts as the anchor, providing stability and control from the back of the court. Communication regarding court coverage ensures that no area is left vulnerable, and opponents are constantly challenged. 

2. Synchronised Movement:

Doubles play is a dance of synchronised movement. Partners must move in harmony, covering ground efficiently and transitioning seamlessly between offensive and defensive positions. Anticipating each other’s actions and reacting cohesively to the flow of the game is the hallmark of effective teamwork.

Communication, positioning, and effective teamwork are the cornerstones of successful doubles play. Use these tactical approaches to transform the doubles court into a stage for coordinated brilliance.
Work on all kinds of tennis skills at Meehan Tennis Academy! From cardio tennis to high performance programs, we can assist in improving your performance at any level. Contact us today for more information and get onto the court!

The Spin Game: Mastering Topspin and Slice

Welcome to Meehan Tennis Academy blogs, where we’re dedicated to unlocking the full potential of your game. It’s time to delve into the captivating world of spin – a game-changer that can elevate your shots to new dimensions. We’ve uncovered the benefits of topspin and slice shots and we’ve got the hot tips on how you can master these spins to add control and variety to your arsenal.

Unlocking the Power of Topspin

1. The Lift-off:

  • Start with a semi-western or western grip to naturally facilitate topspin.
  • Position yourself behind the baseline and use your non-dominant hand to guide the racquet upwards.

2. Racquet Head Speed:

  • Generate ample racquet head speed by engaging your hips and shoulders in the shot.
  • Brush up on the back of the ball with a slightly closed racquet face to impart topspin. 

3. The Benefits:

  • Enhanced Control: Topspin shots allow you to navigate the ball’s trajectory more precisely, providing excellent control during rallies.
  • Bounce Variation: The topspin creates a steeper angle upon landing, making it challenging for your opponent to predict the ball’s bounce.

Pro Tip: Practise topspin shots consistently to develop muscle memory and seamlessly integrate them into your game. 

The Art of the Slice

1. The Slicing Motion:

  • Adopt a continental or eastern backhand grip for optimal slice execution.
  • Use a low-to-high motion, slicing across the back of the ball with a slightly open racquet face.

2. Backhand Slice:

  • For a backhand slice, position your body sideways to the net and keep the racquet low and in front of you.
  • The slice imparts backspin, causing the ball to stay low and skid upon landing.

3. The Benefits:

  • Disruptive Control: The slice is an effective defensive shot, allowing you to keep the ball low and force errors from your opponent.
  • Approach Shot Specialist: Mastering the slice is key for a reliable approach shot, setting you up for success at the net.

Pro Tip: Experiment with different slice angles and trajectories to keep your opponents off balance.

The Spin Game Strategies

1. Mix and Match:

  • Integrate topspin and slice shots into your game to create a versatile and unpredictable playing style.
  • Surprise your opponent with a varied spin repertoire.

2. Tactical Variety:

  • Use topspin to drive the ball deep and set up offensive plays.
  • Employ slice shots to break up the rhythm, forcing errors and opening opportunities for attack.

3. Spin Serve:

  • Apply topspin or slice to your serves for enhanced placement and variation.
  • Keep your opponents guessing with unpredictable spin serves.

At Meehan Tennis Academy, we believe that mastering topspin and slice shots is a game-changer that can transform your playing style. Integrate these spins into your training regimen, and witness the evolution of your game on the court.

If you’re ready to revolutionise your game, join Meehan Tennis Academy and experience personalised coaching that focuses on refining your spin and overall tennis techniques. 
Get in touch with us today for more information, or enrol now for expert coaching: Sign Up with Meehan Tennis Academy

Tennis and Sportsmanship: The Code of Conduct on the Court

Tennis, a sport known for its grace, precision, and intense rallies, is not only a battle of racquets and skill but also a testament to the values of sportsmanship. At its core, tennis holds a unique place where competition and camaraderie coexist. Let’s discuss the vital aspect of tennis that extends beyond the baseline – the code of conduct on the court and the significance of sportsmanship.

The Essence of Sportsmanship in Tennis

In the world of tennis, sportsmanship is the heartbeat that pulsates through every match. It goes beyond mere adherence to rules; it embodies the spirit of fair play, respect for opponents, and the understanding that, win or lose, the game is a shared experience. The essence of sportsmanship lies not only in skillful strokes but in the conduct displayed on the court.

Fair Play: The Cornerstone of Tennis Ethics

At the heart of tennis sportsmanship is the commitment to fair play. This goes beyond following the rules; it’s about acknowledging and respecting the principles of honesty, integrity, and courtesy. From line calls to acknowledging a net cord, fair play is a commitment to upholding the integrity of the game and respecting the opponent’s efforts.

Respect for Opponents

Respect is the silent dialogue that occurs between players on the court. It’s displayed in the acknowledgment of a well-played point, a nod of appreciation for a skillful shot, and a handshake at the net, win or lose. The tennis court becomes a canvas where mutual respect is painted stroke by stroke, fostering an environment where the game is the focal point, and opponents are comrades in the pursuit of excellence.

Adherence to the Code of Conduct

While the official rules of tennis set the framework for the game, the code of conduct elevates it to a realm of etiquette and sportsmanship. Players are expected to conduct themselves with decorum, showing courtesy to opponents, officials, coaches, and the audience. This extends to controlling emotions, refraining from unsportsmanlike behaviour, and accepting the outcome of the match with grace.

The Ripple Effect: Impact Beyond the Court

The significance of sportsmanship extends beyond the confines of the court. The values learned in tennis – fairness, respect, and adherence to a code of conduct – become life lessons. They shape individuals into not just skilled athletes but also honourable competitors and gracious winners or losers, fostering character and integrity that extend far beyond the world of tennis.

In the grand tapestry of tennis, sportsmanship is the golden thread that weaves through every match, creating a masterpiece of skill, camaraderie, and mutual respect. It is a reminder that, in the pursuit of victory, the true essence of the game lies in the conduct of its players on the court.
So, as you step onto the court for your next match, remember the unwritten rules that transcend the score. Join us at Meehan Tennis Academy in fostering good sportsmanship and learning a large array of tennis skills that matter on and off the court. Get in touch today to find out how far we can take your tennis game! 

Growing Champions: The Benefits of Junior Tennis

Hello, tennis enthusiasts and parents! At Meehan Tennis Academy, we’re dedicated to fostering champions. Junior tennis is a vibrant world, and we want to talk about the extensive benefits it brings to our young players, transcending the boundaries of the court. Junior tennis, here at Meehan, is a holistic journey, moulding young individuals into well-rounded athletes.

Physical Fitness: Building Strong Foundations

In the realm of physical fitness, junior tennis serves as a dynamic avenue for cardiovascular endurance. The sport’s fast-paced nature ensures our young players are constantly in motion, contributing to improved stamina and a robust cardiovascular system. Additionally, the intricate footwork, hand-eye coordination, and quick reactions demanded by tennis cultivate essential motor skills, laying the foundation for physical coordination.

Mental Development: Sharpening Young Minds

Moving beyond the physical, tennis plays a pivotal role in sharpening young minds. The game requires intense focus, be it while awaiting an opponent’s serve or strategising during a rally. Through tennis, our junior players cultivate concentration skills that extend far beyond the court, positively influencing academic and daily life. The strategic and fast decision-making aspects of the game foster valuable problem-solving skills, and the wins and losses on the court contribute to the emotional resilience of our young players.

Social Skills: Fostering Friendships and Team Spirit

In the social realm, tennis serves as a platform for fostering friendships and team spirit. The sport encourages communication between players, coaches, and even opponents, teaching kids effective interpersonal skills. Participating in junior tennis leagues and school events instils the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship, building character and respect for competitors. Furthermore, tennis brings like-minded individuals together, forming lasting friendships that often extend beyond the academy.

Beyond the strokes and serves, our junior players who participate in our programs like Hot Shots, embark on a transformative journey that shapes them physically, mentally, and socially. Join us at Meehan Tennis Academy in fostering the champions of tomorrow, where every game is a lesson, and every lesson is a step toward greatness.
Ready to unleash the full potential of your child? Enrol them in Meehan Tennis Academy today!


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